Teachers' Guide | Graduate School of Life Sciences

Registering course results

The course coordinator registers the course results in OSIRIS Lecturer/Supervisor.

For instructions on entering and signing results in OSIRIS Lecturer/Supervisor, please visit the faculty-specific webpages for the most recent guides (login with Solis-id):

Once you entered and (electronically) signed the results, the results are visible for the students from that moment onwards.

If the faculty-specific webpages do not answer your question, staff members of the Biosciences programmes can send an e-mail to Masoud Ghoreshi; staff members of the Biomedical Sciences programmes can send an e-mail to OWCServicedeskICT@umcutrecht.nl.

Last minute cancellation and no-show

Students who register for a course but withdraw at the last minute without a valid reason, or fail to show up, will get a NVD (Niet VolDaan – Incomplete). More information can be found at the OSIRIS course registration page.

Grading tool

In order to help you as an examiner with the grading of a research project or writing assignment, the Assessment Support Panel developed the following flowchart:

GSLS grading tool to help examiners with grading research projects and writing assignments

During the setup student and supervisor should discuss the rubric and expectations. If nothing is handed in at the deadline, a NVD should be entered in OSIRIS (see also the section below about Registration of grades for more information). Examiners can always seek advice from the Board of Examiners, Assessment Support Panel, or programme coordinator.

Registration of grades

For the specifics about grading check out section 5 in the EER. For 2024-2025:

  1. Marks are awarded on a scale of 1 to 10. A mark of 5.5 (not rounded off) or higher is satisfactory, and lower is unsatisfactory. The examiner determines the final grade expressed with one decimal figure, which will be rounded off mathematically. Marks will be rounded off as follows: If the second decimal is a 5 or higher, the first decimal will be rounded up. If the second decimal is a 4 or lower, the first decimal will be rounded down. This does not apply to grades between 5.45 and 5.50 and between 3.95 and 4.00: these will be rounded off to 5.4 and 3.9, respectively. In OSIRIS final grades between 5.0 and 5.4 will be rounded down to 5.0, grades from 5.5 to 5.9 will be rounded up to 6.0. Other grades will not be rounded off in OSIRIS. If the assessment is determined by a weighted average of partial marks, these partial marks will not be rounded off.
  2. Alphanumeric results are awarded in the following cases: 
    • ND – a student who is registered for a course and has not participated in any of the test modules will be given an ND (Niet Deelgenomen – Not Participated);
    • AANV – a student who participated in too few test components required to complete assessment or who has not fulfilled the requirements of the test components, but has the right to be granted a supplementary exam will receive a AANV (AANVullende toets – additional assessment);
    • NVD – a student who is registered for a course and has not participated in all the test modules or has not fulfilled all the requirements of the test modules, and does not have the right to be granted a supplementary exam, will be given an NVD (Niet VolDaan – Incomplete); 
    • V – if the student has complied with a module but has not received a mark for it, the student may be given a V (Voldoende – Satisfactory) as the result;
    • ONV – if the student has not complied with a module and does not receive a mark for it, the student can be given an ONV (ONVoloende – Unsatisfactory) as the result;
    • VR – a student who has been granted exemption by the Board of Examiners will be given a VR (VRijstelling – Exemption); 

The student has the right to do a resit when the average final grade is > 4.0 (also in case of a NVD).

More information about time limits for registering grades and graded work inspections can be found under Assessment.