Teachers' Guide | Graduate School of Life Sciences

Designing courses

Are you looking for information on how to design, register, and implement a (new) GSLS course? Then you can use the step-by-step guide to course design. A useful tool specifically developed to guide you through the process of course design and improvement. Follow the descriptions below for more information on each of the four steps from initial request to registration of the course in OSIRIS.

Please note that new courses should be finalised and approved before April 30th of the academic year before the first edition of the course is planned. This allows for the information of all offered courses to be available during the start of the academic year. For courses that are requested later, it may not be possible for rooms to be scheduled as this usually occurs half a year before the course is taught. Courses which are finalised after the students’ course late-registration period has closed cannot be taught that academic year. Be aware of the meeting moments of the Master Assembly Life Sciences as they have to finally approve the course.

(1) Initial request

As a programme coordinator or teacher you can initiate a request for the development of a new GSLS course. In case of a general elective course, approval of the initial request by the degree director is sufficient. If the new course fits into one of the Master’s programmes, first discuss your idea with the respective programme coordinator. If the course is intended to be part of a profile, the profile coordinator must give their consent as well.

Thereafter, request initial approval to either the degree director prof. dr. Harold van Rijen and courseinformationGSLS@umcutrecht.nl (Biomedical Sciences) or prof. dr. Berend Snel and courseinformationGSLS@uu.nl (Biosciences).

(2) Step-by-step guide to course design

After initial approval of the new course, you can start the course design phase. You will formulate the learning outcomes of the course and determine which work formats and assessment methods will be used.

The GSLS has developed an interactive step-by-step guide to help you in the course design process. The guide provides information on design principles and leads you to your course design. You also fill in information about the course for OSIRIS and the GSLS Students’ Site. In the end, the step-by-step guide brings this together in the assessment matrix that is required for the official approval of your course. An explanation of the assessment matrix can be found below.

Download the step-by-step guide to course design document (open in Adobe Acrobat Reader). After you have gone through all steps in the guide, please return to this web page for further steps.

Assessment matrix

On the page OSIRIS & Assessment of the step-by-step guide you will be asked to fill in the assessment matrix, which is a result of going through the entire step-by-step guide. The assessment matrix forms the basis for the design and development of the assessment methods that match the learning outcomes and learning activities of the course. Moreover, these matrices are instrumental in case of a programme accreditation.

If you need help with filling in the assessment matrix you can contact the Assessment Support Panel (ASP) by e-mail.

(3) Final approval

To receive final approval for your course, please send the pages OSIRIS & Assessment of the step-by-step guide only accompanied by a motivation to the Master Assembly Life Sciences (reachable via the secretary Marjan Batist-de Vos).

(4) Registration in OSIRIS

The GSLS is responsible for the quality of all educational components offered within the School. To safeguard the quality of the courses and the assessments, we have set regulations on course registration.

In order for the course to be registered in OSIRIS after you have received final approval, please send the pages OSIRIS & Assessment of the step-by-step guide to the policy team of BMS (Biomedical Sciences) or Hans Luijendijk and the policy team of Biosciences (Biosciences). Please also send the final approval for your course alongside the filled-out documentation. The course will then receive a course code in OSIRIS.

After final approval of your course, the course will be part of the GSLS quality control system. This includes annual course evaluations, general quality control by the Educational Committee, and regular checks on quality of the assessment matrix by the Board of Examiners and the Assessment Support Panel. 

After your course has been registered, have a look at practical matters that need to be arranged to ensure smooth implementation of your course.